Archives for October 2018


This little company with the evocative title Cine Reportage could not be more aptly named. Reportage photography is a style often required by wedding clients looking for non-intrusive, naturally captured images of their wedding day.

This reportage, however, provides exceptionally evocative footage.

A quick peek at this beautiful show reel will demonstrate the unique qualities of images captured on real film. Using a 1970’s beast of a machine, untold metres of Super 8 and 16mm film reel are skillfully shot by film maker Will Cummock, edited to bristling perfection and set to sublime musical backgrounds.

The cinematic effects of using film bring a whole new layer of simple, joyous, immediate and engaging texture to what are in reality intensely produced films.

The demands for Wills skills take him frequently to the south of England and have taken him all over the world. His quiet demeanor and humble approach to his medium has made it easy to work in all languages and be part of some very special days with some wonderful clients.

However, this Cheshire lad is now home in the North, and building his business in the enigmatic landscapes of Yorkshire, Cumbria and Derbyshire.

As a boost for any clients interested in engaging Will for a spectacular wedding film at Upper House, he is offering all our clients a discount of £150 on any of his wedding filmography packages.

For further details, email, or call 07952 542425 for an initial chat about all things film.

We are simply swooning at the romantic possibilities of an Upper House event filmed on this historic format!